Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Weigh-In Wednesday

Well er on the scale today, and there was no change from last week. I am absolutely sure that it has everything to do with those 2 cinnamon buns that I had over the weekend. Well, I have had a clean diet this week thus far. I am really trying to make up for last week, and just clean myself out. I may sometimes cheat, but not usually so much in one short time frame.

Highlight: My clothes are fitting terribly. My work clothes look saggy. And my jeans look pretty bad. I need to buy some clothes like yesterday. I am wearing suit today that I bought about 4 years ago, and I look so sloppy. Well, I will be hitting the mall this weekend. Fingers crossed that I can fit a size 10 pair of jeans. (That was one of my goals.) I will report back.


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