Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Weigh-In Wednesday

So it is check in day!

A lil background...I got a Bodybugg, (a calorie tracking device), for my graduation. Along with the device there is an online goal management program that I use to make and track progess of my goals. For those of you that have not read, my goal weight is 150 pounds. And each Wednesday I will be weighing in and posting my weight...this keeps me accountable. My goal was to lose a pound a week...ummmm, that has NOT happened so far. My week to week tracking has been...

3/10- 159 lbs
3/17- 159 lbs
3/24- 158 lbs

The great thing about the Bodybugg program is that I have to input my food intake. I have found out that I really like to eat. This new awareness allows me to change my behavior. If I really want to lose the weight I either have to: A) eat less or B) burn more. It is quite simple.

I think my first 2 weeks, I was still learning myself. Now I think that I have this down...cross your fingers. Hopefully next week I will be another pound lighter too...I will keep you posted.

Feel to comment with your goals and progress on Wednesday's too. We can all hold each other accountable!


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