Sunday, March 14, 2010

Must Haves...

A few must haves of mine:
  1. Goals- I want to be get to 150 lbs and a true size 10 in jeans. (I can size 10 dress pants now.)
  2. Journal- I record my workouts everyday. I also record my weight and measurements periodically. If you really want to to be accurate, you may also want to record your food intake.
  3. Diet- This is very, very important. Please remember that food is your fuel. You have to eat. I eat when I am hungry, I do not starve myself EVER. Actually I eat at least 4 meals a day. I do not eat fried foods, fast food, pork, or red meat. I do eat a lot of proteins, fruits and veggies, and good carbs. Figure out what your body really needs to function properly and efficiently.
  4. A plan- I have my gym bag packed with my workout gloves, journal and pen, earphones and music, and whatever else is necessary. I am also consistent with when I eat, sleep, and time that I workout. (I am not a robot, but your body does get trained to do what you want.)
  5. Proper Gym Attire- The gym is to sweat, not for a fashion show..y'all know what I mean. (I'm sure that you have seen those matchy-matchy women.) Anyways, make sure that you have proper shoes, sports bras (as applicable), and clothes.
  1. Workout partner- I have a workout partner, (my boyfriend.) While our workouts are somewhat different, the important thing is we keep each other motivated and hold ourselves accountable.
  2. Bodybugg- I have a Bodybugg from 24 Hour Fitness, which can be bought from their website, that counts the amount of calories that I burn. This Bodybugg also comes with an online program where you can monitor your calorie intake. Basically I am able to watch what I eat vs. what I am burning. This is awesome because I am able to make adjustments as necessary. While the Bodybugg and the online program may be kind of expensive, a sports watch that monitors your heart rate may do similar things. (A few ladies at the gym wear those sports watches. I have not personally tried them out.)
Make a plan, have some realistic and attainable goals, and actually hold yourself accountable. This is your life and your only body...take care of it. We are about to enter this journey together guys. What are your goals??


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