Saturday, March 13, 2010

My Journey

I did not just wake up one day and decide that I was going to be a health freak. I also did not have health fanatics for role models that taught me what I now know from an early age. Everything that I know now came through trial and error, research, and asking questions. It is not reasonable for someone reading my journey to up and think that they can accomplish what I have overnight. It would probably drive you crazy. But small steps, if you are serious, will get you to your destination.

I have been a regular in the gym since my college years, so it was never a big deal for me to get in the gym. Where I actually needed the help was having a goal and changing up my eating habits. My boyfriend told me that not having a goal was like sailing with no compass or map. That really stuck with me and now I set goals and actually track my progress.

(For full disclosure, I am gonna do what many women would NEVER do. I am going to share my weight progress. Maybe showing exactly what I do and my exact results will help someone else.)

As of December 1, 2008, I weighed 172 lbs and I am 5'1. And I just weighed myself this morning and I weighed 157...I am honestly very excited because I had been hovering around 160 lbs for months now and I finally busted through that. (I don't want to get too excited though, I could very well be tricking myself since I haven't eaten today...but we will see.) Each week I will weigh in and post my results on Wednesday. Tracking your results is of ultimate importance when trying to hit a goal. It has been very helpful for me.

Anyways, feel free to follow my your thoughts, feelings, or questions...or just take a few tidbits here and there.



  1. I'm SO glad you made this blog. I've been thinking about making a workout blog but I was unsure if I should because I didn't know if others would want to read and discuss things. Thanks to you, I just reactivated my blogspot and I'm about to post! :D

    I love that you posted your weight, too.

  2. Hey Lady! I am sooooo happy for you and your progress! I have watched your progress firsthand and it is amazing to see you reaping the fruit of your hard work and labor. Keep it up girl, you will go very far!
