Saturday, January 8, 2011

Temptation is a biyotch :/

I straight BLEW my diet yesterday. It is amazing some of the choices you can make when you are starving and faced with temptation. So just a little back story. Right now I am staying with my boyfriend's parents. My apt lease was over and our new place was supposed to be finished sometime last year. (It still isn't finished.) His mother is a GREAT cook and she buys stuff that I would NEVER stock my fridge with. Of course I have no control of what others bring into the house, I just have to do my best to avoid temptation. Monday through Thursday of this week I was strong. But yesterday I was so tempted by her turkey spaghetti. I tried to walk away from it, but the aroma kept calling me. There was no one at home to stop me. Hell no one would have even known except me. So I happily (and guiltily) ate that spaghetti. (A dieters portion of course...I didn't completely lose my mind.) That was mess up number 1.

Mess up number 2 came later on that evening. His mom ALWAYS cooks pizza on Fridays. This is without fail...unless she buys a pizza. I started daydreaming about pizza while driving in traffic, imaging the wonderful toppings and fresh crust. Man I love her pizzas. Clearly daydreaming and feening for pizza didn't make me real excited about eating my chicken and veggies. Actually after that there was zero chance that I was eating my meal...I would just deal with the repercussions later. It was kinda funny, because I walked into the house and declared, "I am having pizza tonight! Don't judge me!" And I happily smashed on that pizza.

Ok, so I kinda failed yesterday.Today, I have been good and on course. People mess up, no one is perfect. You just gotta right the ship and keep it moving. I could not use yesterday's failure as a reason to blow my whole weekend or this whole diet. I just know for sure that having temptations all around is quite a challenge. I cannot wait to get into my own space again so that I have control of my fridge again. It is challenging (sometimes) to make good decisions when there are tasty (but fattening) options abound. I gotta stay strong...we all have to be strong.

1 comment:

  1. You didn't fail. You treated yourself to a much deserved break, especially considering that you were recently ill and are still recuperating. Accept that while you are amazing, you are still just human. Rebound and get your butt back on track.
