Saturday, January 15, 2011

Ima be honest...

So I have been on a diet for going on 2 weeks now. My brain after 2 weeks of restriction (and some cheating) that this whole diet stuff is not for me. Now I am not saying I just want to start eating all bad stuff and completely reversing everything I have done. But I was ONLY eating a breakfast of oatmeal and eggwhites, and lunch and dinner was chicken or fish with a green veggie. I mean, I cannot live like that for an extended period and keep my sanity. Competing is not worth my sanity.

What I have decided is to stick with Operation "Fat Smash" for the simple purpose of getting ridiculously hot for my photo shoot and getting my body fat percentage down. I MAY try and wrap my brain around competing again, but for right now that is put on the shelf. I want to be healthy, but I can do that without severely restricting myself. I will still use my blog as a way to track my progress so that it is more applicable for real life folks wanting to be healthy.

A friend of mine who has competed told me that I may get emotional like this, And maybe I will change my mind next week...who knows? But these kinds of things, you are either in it or you are not.



  1. How did I not know you had a blog? Where has my head been?

    Anyway, I ain't mad at cha. That is very limited. Is it possible to switch up, like take fish or chicken breast instead of egg whites?

    And you look marvelous- you will be hot in any photo shoot...

  2. David used to compete in bodybuilding and I hated his pre-contest diet. It always made him super cranky and then, his body was so hard it was like trying to cuddle a brick wall. But come contest day, he looked great and always won a trophy.

    If you are only doing it for a photo shoot, then you can always quit after the shoot. Keep the end-goal in mind and do what you think is best for you. You won't disappoint me as long as you are true to yourself.

  3. Thanks ladies...some people just don't realize how emotionally draining this can sometimes. My game plan...well, I gotta figure it out. Once I do, I will keep everyone posted.
