Wednesday, January 5, 2011

My Transformation

172...That is how much I weighed 2 years ago. I was a "thick" size 12 and 172 lbs. Today I weighed in at 132 lbs. I have lost 40 lbs in a little over 2 years and I have successfully kept it off. I know some people see me now (who didn't know me before) and assume that this came easy for me...or that I am an athlete...or that I am just "different." Well that is not true, there was nothing special about my journey or my transformation. I just have a little more dedication. I dig a little deeper. And I want "it" a little bit more. And when I want something, I figure out how ima get it. I don't allow obstacles and setbacks and pitfalls to completely derail my whole journey.

There will always be reasons (*cough*excuses*cough*) for why people are overweight/fat/obese. We live in a society that champions choices and having "more" and excessive behaviors. And this lifestyle is just assisted suicide...each little morsel of cake, each piece of pizza, each fistful of M&M's is bringing people closer and closer to death. I made the decision to NOT live like that. I cannot allow food, which is supposed to be fuel, to kill me. I wanna be healthy in my old age. I don't want to survive on medicines and doctor's visits and I can see that that is exactly where our society is going. Make a different choice and make sure that you bring someone you along with you. The only way we are gonna stem this obesity trend is to actively change just gotta get ACTIVE!!

(pics from June 2010 and Jan 2011)

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