Friday, May 21, 2010

Taking a step back...

So I didn't do Weigh-In Wednesday this week. And it wasn't that I forgot. I am very aware of my weigh-in day every single week....actually ima go ahead and admit, I was getting obsessed about my goal number of 150 lbs. On Wednesday I woke up as usual, went to the potty and jumped on the scale. I weighed 153...and that was exciting because I was down 1 pound from the week before. (The obsessive part soon followed.) After I had a glass of water and chilled out for a second, I jumped on the scale again. This time to my befuddlement I weighed 154! How did I gain a pound in the course of 10 minutes? I of course attributed my "magical" weight gain to that glass of water. (Told you I was obsessing.) So I told myself that I would just re-weigh myself after my workout that morning...and I did. I still weighed 154! This process kinda continued until today (Friday.)

I hadn't told anyone that I was obsessing about my magical number until today. I was on my way to the gym with my boyfriend and I told him. And I told him that I wanted to stop it. I want to enjoy my journey as I watch my body change. Because honestly when the number that I expected didn't show up, I was disappointed in my performance. And I didn't appreciate what I had accomplished.

Some of my accomplishments that I am proud of:
  • I have worked out 5-6 days a week consistently for months now.
  • I have noticed a considerable change in my clothes.
  • I have motivated others to join me in this healthy lifestyle.
  • I am happy and energetic.
I gotta recognize that this is a never-ending life-style. If I keep focusing on that number, then what happens after I hit that number? I am not saying that I am gonna stop weighing myself. And I am not saying that having a goal is bad. I am just not gonna focus or obsess anymore. And I plan on celebrating the small milestones and highlights.

I know that this may sound exactly contrary to what I said in the beginning of my blog posts about having a goal, but I am learning myself along the way. This blog of mine is my trial and error. I am NOT an expert on any of this. And the real learning comes from experience and making mistakes. The point is to try something!!

Have a healthy weekend...leave your thoughts and comments.


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