Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Weigh-In Wednesday

So I am finally under the 155 lb mark. I am at 154.4 lb. So for those of you that have not been watching the progression since March, it is as follows.

3/3: 159
3/10: 159
3/17: 159
3/24: 158
4/7: 156
4/14: 155
4/21: 155
4/28: 155
5/5: 154

Ima just use whole numbers from now on with my results.

The way I see it, I should hit my goal by the end of June. It took me 2 full months to lose 5 lbs. It will probably take me another 2 months to lose those last 4 lbs. Just to be clear, I am not not a strict, starve myself type of diet. I eat when I am hungry. Some days I feel like eating pizza or ice cream, and guess what?? I do it. My goals are more for the long term. So in reality, my weight should stabilize here...well that is what I am hoping. My rational is, since I am eating like a regular person now and still losing weight (albeit slowing), I should be able to keep it off as long as I don't go crazy and start binging. (I highly doubt that I will start binging, because errr ummm, I ain't throwing away alla this hard work!)

Anyways, Ima keep pushing to get to that magically 150. Then after I squash that goal, it will be time to find something else to accomplish!


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