Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Week 7...YEAH BUDDY!

So my bad, I haven't posted recently. Yes, I have been slacking on my blog, but I am on my A-game as far as my diet and exercise goes. I started using Cathy Savage fitness for online coaching and I am soooo much happier with them. I get to eat a variety of food so I am never bored and it doesn't feel like I am dieting. And while the workouts are challenging, I am actually having a lot of fun on this program. So know that I am sticking with it. But my post today will be about when you can't actually stick with it...what about when you fall off?

This past weekend, I was going strong as usual. I woke up Saturday. I got my workout in before I started training clients, and I was feeling good. Life is was butterflies and flowers. Then alluva sudden, my little perfect journey got detoured. I had to up and go out of town Saturday night for an emergency. I didn't have the time to pack up all the little meals that I would have eaten if I were home. And once I got to my destination I still was not able to eat according to my diet...I even missed 2 days of my workouts. I was stressed out, not about the workouts or diet, but what was going on in real life. So sometimes life does happen. Instead of beating myself up for things out of my control, I assessed the damage, and just jumped back on course. (Family and loved ones are much more important than a diet any day!)

Monday I spent the day drinking tons of water, thinking I could wash the bad stuff out of my body. And today I am doubling up on my workouts to make up for my missed workout. I let my coach know everything (good and bad) and if she has to adjust my regime, she can. The thing is, you gotta put it all out there if you are gonna correct things. Overall, I didn't do any damage over the weekend. I just didn't make any gains. I will say that is a success considering life happens and can easily divert your journey. But it is up to YOU to get back on the road!!

Monday, February 7, 2011

Week 5...results!!

This whole diet process has been a roller coaster. I will tell you that results are helping to keep me pumped. Some days are better than others, but as the days roll by it is getting easier. I even signed up with an online transformation coach. Basically it is challenging all by myself...even super motivated, super women need a little coaching too.

Anyways, the results (in inches):
Neck - 11.5 (loss of .5)
Chest - 32.5 (loss of 2.5)
Shoulders - 39 (loss of 1)
Waist - 28 (loss of .5)
Hips - 33.5 (loss of 1)
Bicep (R) - 11.5 (loss of 1.5)
Bicep (L) - 11 (loss of 1)
Thighs (R & L) - 22.5 (no change)
Calf (R) - 13.5 (loss of .5)
Calf (L) - 14 (loss of .5)
I am looking leaner and stronger. But I gotta start building more muscle. I haven't lifted weights consistently this year. But now that I have melted some fat, I wanna build my muscle mass back up...especially since I have decided to compete this year. Competition date: May 14th! Y'all gotta keep my accountable.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

One month in...

I should have had my measurements taken on Monday, but my buddy who is supposed to take them was not at work. I will measure in next time I see him (you wanna use the same person to maintain consistency.) I am down 5 lbs as of this morning. On Jan. 3rd, I weighed 135 lbs. Today, Feb 2nd, I weigh 130 lbs. (I'm 5'1.) Five pounds in a month is pretty good, especially since I am losing fat. (I use a body fat tester to test my fat percentage.) Last time I checked I was at 22.4%, which put me at 5 pounds of fat lose, while maintaining my muscle. Sometimes when people lose weight, they also start to lose muscle. So I have to walk a delicate balance because I actually need to put on more muscle mass.

After this month of going at it alone, I decided that I needed some help. I am doing OK by myself, but I need someone who has been through this process. I went ahead and decided on a May 14th competition. Now all I gotta do is register. I have 3.5 months to prepare. I will keep sharing my ups and downs.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Last week was a awesomely clean week...

I had to regroup and reset on the diet. The one that I had at first was just too restrictive, and I just kept thinking of all the things that I could not have, instead what I could. Well, I added a little fruit to my diet to tame my sweet tooth, reminded the people around me to not eat scrumptious chocolate around me, and now I am good. I was good all last week and lost another pound. I am down 4 pounds in total, (after having a small weight gain.)

Eating clean is not about being perfect. There are so many temptations out there. It is about making the best decisions possible and mitigating any diet damage through exercise. Also once you do clean up your diet, your body will start to reject the bad food. You will (or should) feel so awesome about your results that you wouldn't want to revert back to your old ways. My dad asked me just yesterday, "how do I know that I won't gain the weight back?" I had to remind him that I hadn't gained back 40 pounds in 2 years, and my body won't accept anything but real food right now...anything less makes me sick...literally.

Monday, January 17, 2011

I'm back!

Okie dokie, this past weekend, I had a little mini breakdown. I was like "EFF this diet. I change my mind." I just threw my hands up and threw in the towel. I had only been a week and a half and I was freaking out. Well the great thing is I have an awesome support group. And even though I am the one who is usually motivating others, sometimes I need a little push myself.

I have not given up, I revamped my diet instead. You know, I am extra honest because I want people to know that it is OK to have slip ups and minor set backs. The important thing is to not just through in the towel and say "to hell with it." You have to recognize the long term goal...keep the big picture in mind. If you do this, you will have more successes than failures and come out ahead regardless.

I didn't take pictures today. Maybe I should have as a kind of punishment, but no need to punish myself more than the 1.5 lb weight gain over the weekend o.O

Make it a fabulously healthy week...that is my game plan also.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Ima be honest...

So I have been on a diet for going on 2 weeks now. My brain after 2 weeks of restriction (and some cheating) that this whole diet stuff is not for me. Now I am not saying I just want to start eating all bad stuff and completely reversing everything I have done. But I was ONLY eating a breakfast of oatmeal and eggwhites, and lunch and dinner was chicken or fish with a green veggie. I mean, I cannot live like that for an extended period and keep my sanity. Competing is not worth my sanity.

What I have decided is to stick with Operation "Fat Smash" for the simple purpose of getting ridiculously hot for my photo shoot and getting my body fat percentage down. I MAY try and wrap my brain around competing again, but for right now that is put on the shelf. I want to be healthy, but I can do that without severely restricting myself. I will still use my blog as a way to track my progress so that it is more applicable for real life folks wanting to be healthy.

A friend of mine who has competed told me that I may get emotional like this, And maybe I will change my mind next week...who knows? But these kinds of things, you are either in it or you are not.


Monday, January 10, 2011

1st week down, 5 to go

I'd grade myself a B+ for my diet and workout plan for the first week. I had a couple of breakdowns, a couple times that I was just way too tired to eat, and a few times where I questioned why the heck am I doing this again, but overall I am doing OK. I am still keeping with the plan this week and hope to do better than I did last week.

By Wednesday, I thought that I had lost more than 3 lbs, but when I weighed in this morning (which is my official weigh in day), I had lost 2 lbs. I am 133 lbs, which is good for a one week loss. I really need to stop obsessing about the scale. Obviously there will be fluctuations and tracking my weight daily is probably not the best idea for me.